Understanding Alternative Investments

Understanding Alternative Investments

Alternative asset investments often provide a unique opportunity for portfolio diversification. These investments also minimize the effects of market volatility to ensure long-term returns even when the markets are uncertain. Traditional investment classes will deliver about 4% in returns over the next decade. As such, individual and institutional investors are diving into alternatives to realize […]

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What is Financial Management? Definition and Examples

5 sources of start-up financing

When starting up your new business, keep in mind that bankers aren’t your only source of income. There are other ways to get financial help for your start-up. Below we have mentioned 5 start-up business grants that will help you grow your business. Individual investment Everyone has to start their new business with their own […]

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Iconic NFOs of 2022

Iconic NFOs of 2021

“The good portfolio is more than just a long list of great stocks and bonds. It is balanced and provides the Investor with protections and opportunities with respect to a wide range of contingencies.” – Harry Markowitz Have you been experimenting with new financial products? Or have you been thinking about doing that? Well, whatever […]

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