The Top 5 Things to Know About Life Settlements

The Top 5 Things to Know About Life Settlements

By Lucas Siegel, CEO + Founder of Harbor Life Settlements and Harbor Life Brokerage  A life settlement converts your life insurance policy into cash — cash you can use and enjoy while you’re living. Unfortunately, life settlements are often misunderstood or misrepresented. These common misconceptions could prevent you from pursuing an attractive financial strategy, or […]

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5 Factors Affecting Investors’ Perceptions Towards ULIP

Do ULIPs Offer Guaranteed Benefits?

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) can help you achieve a range of long-term investment goals, such as retirement preparation, education funding for your kid, and asset accumulation. The minimal lock-in duration of five years ensures investor restraint while still providing high market-linked returns. The best ULIP offers life insurance while simultaneously investing a percentage […]

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