big data technologies 2018

10 Big Data Technologies of 2024 to Watch in India


Last Updated on 25/12/2023 by Deepak Singla

Is Big Data reality? This is probably the first question that comes to our mind. If your answer is yes by just going through its literal meaning then you are absolutely correct. Big Data is a pool of data or data sets (structured and unstructured) that are huge in volume and all the traditional methods for data processing fails. There are various challenges while handling Big Data like data capturing, processing and analysis, storage, security, data transfer etc.

Big Data is evolving rapidly and it is normal that the majority of the clients will be pulled in to it in the up and coming year because of its gigantic prospect of advancing a business. There has been a tremendous increment in the assortment, volume, and velocityof the data, which itself is a proof that 2018 will experience rapid and notable changes. Experts have anticipated different Big Data technologies

We have listed down the 10 Big Data technologies expected in coming future:

Cognitive Technology–

The tasks that require human intelligence requires intense consideration and to give legitimate light to it. Cognitive technologies are developing incredibly. This will robotize the human-incited exercises like written work and face acknowledgment. Alongside it, the intellectual aspects of the human mind-like thinking, conceptualizing, and learning will likewise be dealt with this innovation. With the approach of this innovation, the exercises that required human involvement can be effectively refined with the assistance of automation.

cognitive technology


Predictive Analytics–

The execution of the business will enhance by upgrading, optimizing, innovating, assessing, and conveying the predictive models. This will enable the Big Data to be examined, which will reduce the risk and highlight the potential.

Huge IoT Impact–

IoT or Internet of Things is a standout amongst the most vital parts of the Big Data and the world is going to see a huge change in the coming year. Individuals are depending more on the Smartphones and tablets for their everyday exercises and also for essential transactions. Subsequently, the organizations are investing more energy and capital on the IoT to get the required data consistently. The sensor-based examination has benefitted both clients and entrepreneurs. Subsequently, everyone will be looking forward to seeing the coordinated effect of the IoT on Big Data. A fascinating advantage of IoT is that business from any field or domain can enjoy the benefits of it.

Discovery of Knowledge and Search

The development of various searching tools will enable us to gather information from a large chunk of data effectively and efficiently. It will also allow us to access huge archive files of the structured and unstructured data that is stored in the different sources like Databases, APIs, files, and so on will likewise be anything but difficult to get to, irrespective of applications and platforms.

Prompt and Accurate Machine Learning

Machine Learning is developing rapidly keeping in mind the end goal to adapt up to the increasing demands. It is anticipated that it will have the capacity to investigate gigantic volume and process complex data at a speedier pace with precision. This will be accomplished with the assistance of improvised hardware, algorithm, and gigantic data. Thus the process will be managed effectively and efficiently. Machine Learning is anticipated to complement the performance of the business with the assistance of fraud detection, data analysis, real-time interpretation etc.

 Improved Cyber Security

In 2018, organizations will approach a more secure and secure method for finishing their exercises. AI (artificial intelligence) will consider the security breaches extremely seriously, making it troublesome for the spammers to break the security code. It is anticipated that the machines will have the capacity to imagine the human psychology more efficiently. The machines will likewise have the capacity to comprehend the unlabelled data precisely with no human intervention. With the assistance of these technologies, (AI) Artificial Intelligence will have the capacity to set up itself as a powerful tool that will effectively defend the data.

Dark Data Disclosure

Before the beginning of digitization, data was manually maintained. Thus, there is a tremendous piece of the data that is yet to be digitized. This data is known as the dark data that requires consideration on an immediate basis. With the development of Big Data, the dark data will be taken into consideration and recovered. The recovery will make the trends and product cycles noticeable, which will help comprehend the forecasts efficiently.

Data Virtualization–

This is a one of a kind innovation that helps deliver information from different sources of data that incorporates Big Data source like Big Data Hadoop. It additionally uses the distributed data storage in real time. 2018 is going to witness this innovation that will help the business.

Data Quality–

It identifies the products or items that are in connection with the data cleaning, alongside the improvement of the huge and high-velocitysets of data. It additionally utilizes parallel operation on databases.

Information Integration–

Configuration of data across different platforms like Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Apache Pig, MapReduce, Big Data Hadoop, Couchbase, Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR), and MongoDB is accomplished. This will be used to offer streamlined database for improved proficiency.


The previously mentioned focuses are the main 10 expectations that are set to make the Big Data a standout amongst the most event patterns of 2018. Beginning from psychological innovation to recovering the dark data, Big Data technologies will deal with the accumulations and will ensure the security breaks are managed in a stricter and planned manner. We can hope that the most recent innovations and the improved form of Big Data will make the innovation extremely advanced and secured.


Manchun Pandit loves pursuing excellence through writing and have a passion for technology. he has successfully managed and run personal technology magazines and websites. he currently writes for, a global training company that provides e-learning and professional certification training. His work has been published on various sites related to SQL Server, Digital Marketing, Big Data Hadoop, Java, Dot net, Data Science, Salesforce, AWS, PMP, Devops, Business Intelligence, Project Management, Cloud Computing, IT, SAP, Project Management and more.