5 Factors Affecting Investors’ Perceptions Towards ULIP

5 Factors Affecting Investors’ Perceptions Towards ULIP


ULIP, or Unit Linked Insurance Plan, is an example of a life insurance product that combines life insurance benefits and investments. ULIPs allow you to invest a part of your premium in various funds, such as debt, equity, or balanced funds, based on your risk tolerance and financial objectives. The remaining amount of your policy premium goes towards providing you with a life cover.

ULIPs are popular among investors who want to achieve long-term goals such as retirement, children’s education, or wealth creation. However, ULIPs also have some drawbacks, such as high charges, low liquidity, and market risks. Therefore, before investing in ULIPs, you should be aware of the factors that affect your perception and decision-making process.

Factors That Can Influence Your Perception Towards ULIPs

Now that you have understood what is ULIP, let’s address the topic.

1. Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance is the level of uncertainty you are willing to accept in your investing outcomes. It depends on your personality, age, income, and financial situation. Some investors are risk-averse. They prefer low-risk investments offering stable returns. Others are risk-seeking. It means they are ready to take higher risks for higher returns.

As mentioned earlier, ULIPs allow you to choose the fund option that suits your risk tolerance. You can opt for equity funds if you are willing to take more risk and expect higher returns in the long run. You can choose debt funds if you want to play safe and earn steady returns. You can also switch between funds per your changing needs and market conditions.

However, remember that ULIP investments are subject to market risks, and returns are not guaranteed. The performance of your fund depends on the performance of the underlying assets. Therefore, you should invest in ULIPs only if you have a long-term horizon and you can withstand market fluctuations.

2. Charges

Charges are the fees you must pay for purchasing and maintaining a ULIP. These include premium allocation charges, policy administration charges, fund management charges, mortality charges, and surrender charges. These fees decrease the premium amount invested in the fund and can affect your returns.

ULIP charges are slightly higher than other investment products, such as mutual funds or term insurance. This is because ULIPs offer both insurance and investment benefits and have higher operational costs. However, ULIP charges have decreased significantly over the years due to regulatory interventions and increased competition.

Compare the charges of different ULIPs before investing in one. Look at the net return after deducting the expenses. You can use online calculators or tools to compare the costs and returns of different ULIPs.

3. Tax Benefits

Tax benefits are the incentives that you get from the government for investing in specific financial products. These benefits reduce your tax liability and increase your disposable income. ULIPs provide tax advantages as outlined in Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Per Section 80C, individuals can seek a deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh for the premiums made towards a ULIP. The maturity or death benefit received from a ULIP is tax-free under Section 10(10D) if the premium is less than 10% of the total insured.

Tax benefits are one of the main attractions of ULIPs for many investors. However, you should not invest in ULIPs only for tax-saving purposes. Consider your financial goals, risk profile, and return expectations before investing in ULIPs.

4. Transparency

Transparency is the extent to which you can access information about your investment product. It includes fund performance, portfolio composition, charges, benefits, and risks. Transparency helps you make informed decisions and monitor your investment progress.

ULIPs are transparent products as they disclose all the relevant information to the investors. You can track the performance of your fund online or through periodic statements. You can also see the portfolio breakdown of your fund and know where your money is invested. You can switch between funds or modify your premium or sum assured at your convenience.

5. Flexibility

Flexibility is adjusting your investment product according to your changing needs and preferences. It includes fund switching, premium redirection, partial withdrawal, top-up, and rider addition. Flexibility allows you to customize your investment plan per your life stage and goals.

ULIPs are flexible products, offering various options to modify your plan. You can switch between funds to change your asset allocation and risk exposure. You can redirect your future premiums to a different fund. You can withdraw a part of your fund value in an emergency. You can also increase your investment or insurance coverage by paying an additional premium or adding a rider.


ULIPs are a unique product that offers you both insurance and investment benefits. However, to make ULIP a perfect investment pick, invest in them only after considering the factors affecting your perception of them. You should also compare several ULIPs and select the one that best meets your needs and goals.