Benefits of E-invoicing

Benefits of E-invoicing for Your Business & How to Generate an E-Invoice?

If you’re doing business in 2020, you should start transitioning towards a more digitized approach. That includes your invoicing. It’s time you learn about e-invoicing and all the benefits that it provides. What is E-Invoicing? Electronic invoicing or e-invoicing is transferring, receiving, and processing digital transactional documents between consumer and supplier, and seller. Genuine invoicing […]

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The Revolution of Financial Technology used in the Banking Sector 2021

Finance is one of the oldest markets in the world. Financial services are an industry that invented credit cards in the 1950s, internet banking in the 1990s and at the turn of the millennium, contactless payment technology. Therefore, the use of technology to support financial services is by no way a recent phenomenon. From the […]

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Top ways Fintech is Improving Access To Financial Services

4 Ways Fintech has Reshaped the Financial Services Industry

We live in an era where the Internet and smartphone have become core elements of our lifestyle.  The rise of technologies like Mobile, Blockchain, AR, and VR has brought a whole new level of disruption to almost every industry and the finance industry is no exception. Simply put, the digital revolution brought by the latest […]

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