Travel insurance to inter in Dubai

Is it Mandatory to have Travel Insurance to Enter Dubai

Travel Insurance

Last Updated on 21/02/2019 by Deepak Singla

Travelling to a city like Dubai is a dream come true for many people. Rarely would you find a place in the world which has a rich culture and history and at the same time, offers luxury fit for the kings. Apart from the beautiful places to see, Dubai also offers amazing adventure parks, entertainment zones and shopping places.

Moreover, as the city promotes tourism, getting a visa (mandatory for Indians) is also not very difficult. In fact, Indians can gain entry into Dubai or anywhere in UAE with an evisa. However, one question that many tourists have in their minds is whether they need to have a travel insurance to enter Dubai. The answer to the question is no, at least not right now. However, having a travel insurance while visiting Dubai would be extremely useful.

Importance of Travel Insurance for Dubai Visitors

Most people would want to avoid getting a travel insurance because they think it would be waste of money. Having spent on your visa, air tickets, accommodations and other attractions, you would not want to spend more money on getting a travel insurance, something that you think you would not require. However, life is unpredictable and you cannot foresee the future. In case, you come across some problem, either small or big, a travel insurance would have you covered.

Advantages of Having a Travel Insurance

Before we get into the benefits of getting a travel insurance while visiting Dubai, it is important to know that the DHA or Dubai Health Authority has plans to make health insurance compulsory for tourists, by the end of 2019. However, at this moment, visitors are not required to have a medical or travel insurance for Dubai tourist visa or even for entering one of the Emirate cities. Nevertheless, it would be wise to have one. Here are the reasons why you should have a travel insurance while holidaying in Dubai.

  • If in any case your holiday is cancelled or interrupted, you would not lose all your money. In fact, with your travel insurance, you would get your money back.
  • Travel insurance also protects you from possible travel related problems like baggage loss or theft, damage of property like rental equipment or vehicle, etc.
  • Medical emergencies do not announce before they arrive, and it is always best to be prepared for it. While the medical treatments and facilities in the city are world-class, it can be really expensive. This is where getting an all inclusive insurance plan becomes beneficial.
  • Apart from all this, travel insurance would cover you in case of loss or theft of cash, personal belongings, important documents, etc. and even accidental death.

How to Select the Best Travel Insurance for Dubai Holiday?

Once you have decided to get a travel insurance for your Dubai holiday, the next step is to buy one. Here are some of the ways to select the best travel insurance before visiting Dubai.

  • The total amount of your travel insurance would depend on several factors like your age, pre-existing conditions, the number of days you are planning to stay in Dubai, etc.                                        
  • Check whether your travel agent offers a travel insurance. This would be best if you trust your travel agent and do not have time to look for other options. You may also get a good deal if you have booked your tour and other services with the tour company.
  • As there are a huge number of companies or agencies offering travel insurance with dubai visa , it is extremely important to compare the prices and the things that are covered in each of them before you decide.
  • Do not choose a policy just because it is cheapest. It may not cover many things and you may find yourself in a soup if a situation arises where you have to use the insurance. So, do not compromise just to save a few bucks.

Getting a travel insurance for Dubai from India may seem like an expensive purchase as you would have to spend money from your savings. However, you will definitely thank yourself if such a situation arises. Moreover, with the assurance of a travel insurance, you would be able to enjoy your holiday in Dubai to the fullest, without any unnecessary worries.