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Ways to Deal With the Anxiety of Being an Entrepreneur


Last Updated on 12/12/2020 by Deepak Singla

To find Anxiety in Entrepreneurs is like discovering Starbucks in the New York city, as you will find it in every corner. Why are entrepreneurs always stressful? Because they are responsible whether their business is flourishing rapidly, or getting slow down – whether it’s doing 100 % or facing loss. Thus, to retain a balance, entrepreneur seems excessively stressed and anxiety dwells in them.

So, it’s important to manage your anxiety that will make you super successful. The great saying goes;

The level of success in life is in direct proportion to amount of uncertainty, and anxiety which you handle”

In this article, I am going to share how entrepreneurs can deal with anxiety in 5 easy ways, are you ready?

1 – Create a Special Moments Folder

This first primary step is super magical. Create a Special Moment, Awesome, or Wow folder on your desktop which is full of all your memorable achievements that make you feel proud of yourself, as well as your business.

The folder can contain an image, messages, or emails screen shots by your clients claiming how satisfied they are with your services. Or it could be the memory when you first time landed your job, and your dream come true.

Every file in that folder has to be a piece of the “good” that you’ve done. It will remind you the basic purpose or objective behind your business organization in the first place.

2 – Learn How Not to Think – Meditate

This step is mainly concerned with purposeful breathing. Take your time for some active meditation it will make you feel relieved of all stressful thought running in your mind regarding your business, and challenging trial your business is facing currently.

3- Learn How to Master Your Time

You can ask any successful business tycoon “what is the foundational skill for business? He’ll reply “time management” We have 1440 minutes, and 24 hours a day, In this period of time, you have to get done with many tasks by a perfect time management.

How you do this? by mastering the art of saying no to those pusher clients who’re not lined with their values.

The less you grab in fee with your clients and customers with mind scarcity as all you need your client will never get another one, your clients will subconsciously feel this. In short, say no to your customers when they ask for any project that does not fulfill your mission.

4. Don’t Check Your Emails After 7 pm

Consistently connected with work can be very tiring. So stop checking email before 2 hours going to bed as when you’re tired, you don’t perform well and often make silly mistakes.

Make a rule to not check email after 7 pm. If there’s something important you’re waiting for, set an email alert so you only get a notification for that one email. And that way, you’ll cut you entrepreneur’s anxiety down to a workable size.

Treat yourself like an Olympian who if work hard, then he also rests hard to make their life healthy and stress-free.

5. Surround Yourself with Winners

The last step is one of the most important steps to deal with an anxiety in entrepreneurs. Surround yourself with people who are known for getting medals and trophies throughout their life, you will learn your life has just started, and your anxiety will start to alleviate.

You’ll be able to relate yourself to problems they had in their struggle for success, as your facing now yourself. The positive vibes which you’ll receive from those people will change your attitude to “can-do” one “I can do this, I must do this”. Try to get yourself in the right mastermind group, as it’ll allow you to learn from there and your mistakes.

Perhaps you come to know by the end, that names which are famous now were once notorious for being failures before.

Author Bio:  Alaina Agnes is a career counselor and writer. She helps students who ask her “write my essay for me”. She is a regular contributor on various marketing blogs and has a keen interest in blogging and digital marketing.